Did you know that everyone is called to play a part in World Missions? Even if you are not called to be a missionary?
As John Piper puts it “You are either a goer, a sender, or in sin.”
Have you spent your whole life praying that God doesn’t send you to be a missionary in Africa? That’s fine. Maybe you aren’t supposed to go to Africa {although if you have spent your whole trying to resist going… maybe you ARE supposed to go… just sayin’ J}.

{find these prints HERE!}
But honestly, most of us are not called to be missionaries. I, for one, feel no special calling on my life to be a missionary. I feel God leading me to stay in the U.S. and to be a light for Him in the university setting and through this blog and any other academic-y/writing-related opportunities He gives me in the future.
But that doesn’t give me an excuse to forget about missions. This idea of being a goer or a sender began a friendly argument at our small group recently. “But God requires us some of us to stay here. There is a huge mission field right here in the United States. There are people all around me who need Jesus.” These were the arguments. True. All true. God calls many {probably most of us statistically speaking} to stay here. There are people in desperate need of Jesus all around us. The harvest is ripe in our own cities.
But this is not the point. Obviously, we are called to share the Gospel with those around us. That’s why “love your neighbor” is the second greatest commandment in the Bible. The best way we can love our neighbors is to share with them the hope and joy found in Christ and to serve them as Jesus served us.
World Missions is a separate, yet related, issue. We are called to love our neighbors and make disciples of all men where ever we live, whether that be in India, Brazil, New York, or Oregon. But we also have a special calling from God to support world missions too, even if we are not sent to foreign lands.
Why? 1) Because Jesus commanded it. 2) Because Jesus is not coming back until we do.
And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.
Matthew 24:14
I don’t know about you, but I want Jesus to return to earth in victory and abolish sin forever. That sounds pretty great. But the Bible tells me that Jesus will not return until every nation has been reached with the Word of God.
And that’s why I’m called to missions, even from the comfort of my Arizona home.
So how can we be “senders” of missionaries, even if we are not called to go ourselves? Obviously, we can give to missionaries financially. But even if you can’t afford to give right now, there are plenty of other things you can do.
***Do you have friends who are missionaries? Pray for them specifically. Pray for them often and by name. Request a newsletter or emails updates from them and pray for them with your family.
***If you have friends serving abroad, make it a point to keep up with the news in that country. Keep up to date with current events and issues going on there, so you can pray specifically for their safety and well-being in the face of natural disasters, political uprisings, etc.
*** Send care packages to missionaries you know! Living in a foreign country can be lonely and difficult at times. Sure, the missionaries serving there are probably excited about their mission and feel called by God who gives them strength, but packages and notes of encouragement can go a long way. It’s especially important to remember missionaries on their birthdays and Christmas – two days that would usually be celebrated with lots of friends and family in the U.S. but might be virtually ignored in foreign countries.
***If you don’t know anyone serving in missions, choose an unreached country or city and pray for it specifically. Again, keep up with current events there so you know what to pray for.
***Ask your pastor or other church leaders how your church serves missionaries and ask how you can help. If your church is not very missions focused, perhaps God is calling you to start some kind of ministry in your local body.
Be praying about how God might be calling you to missions… How can you pay for, pray for, or encourage those God has sent to the corners of the earth? Or maybe, just maybe, He is sending you too…
*Linking up with Casey Leigh and Call Me Blessed.*
love this! Thanks for giving missionaries a shoutout…let me know if you want our newsletter :).
I absolutely love this!! LOVE love love every point you make and that you're pushing people to support other missionaries, and to be one, even if it close to home 🙂
I am going on a Mission Trip to Africa in September (so I am one of those who has been called there, it was very clearly put on my heart by God!) but I was also talking to my cousin about ways I can make an impact closer to home too when I'm not able to immediately return there!
Thank you for spreading the encouragement and word of God right here on your blog 🙂 xoxo
Great post 🙂 My aunt, uncle and two cousins were missionaries in Belgium for a long time and it was easy to be involved then. We emailed with them, sent them packages, and prayed daily for them. Now that they've been home awhile, I often forget that there are MANY, MANY people out there doing God's work. Thanks for a great reminder to pray for those people, even though I don't know them! 🙂
This is so great! We are all called to missions in some respect. More people need to realize that! 🙂 Your examples of things to do are awesome!
Good stuff, girl!! No matter where we are, we're a missionary. Even if it's just to our classmates or coworkers 🙂
Great post, Jen! 🙂 Praying God leads me and my husband for His will with missions.
nice! thanks for sharringm haooy to be your newest follower!! xx
Alice Barton ♥ The Mow Way
What a great post Jen! Especially since my sister is a missionary in Perth, Australia (she is a base leader for YWAM and trains and sends missionaries out on the field, as well as travels out on the field herself). It's a really hard, yet rewarding life. We are able to support her financially, but this is a good reminder to think of other missionaries we can support in other ways as well! Love your heart friend. 🙂
what a wonderful post. you are right on!
I love this post, Jen! I have a huge passion for world missions, be it long-term, short-term, or, as you said, sending. I think, too, sometimes God calls us to different seasons of world missions. I had the privilege of going on three overseas short-term mission trips in my four years of high school, and while I would have loved to continue that through college, God showed me I was meant to stay here and support others who were going. He may call me short-term again, or even long-term. What's important is that we stay open to His leading!
“You are either a goer, a sender, or in sin.” WOW! Talk about direct!! Thanks for posting it. That spoke to me.
found you through annies blog…and so glad i did! i'm going on a missions trip to la this summer, and i love love LOVE this post. thank you so much for being such a light!