Tonight I had some important paperwork to finish. I told myself I was not allowed to write a blog post until it was complete. The funny thing is that over the course of completing that paperwork the topic of this post changed completely. This is not what I intended to write an hour ago when I got out my computer…
You see the paperwork I was completing was an application. An application to ASU – the same exact school I currently attend, but to enroll in a different program. Because I am getting my PhD and I’m a TA receiving funding from the school, I can’t just switch programs, even though they are so similar and both within the English department. They are making me reapply so I don’t mess with their budget. Yes, I just paid a $70 application fee to the school I already attend! Ha!
About a year ago, God began changing my paths completely {read about it here}. I stumbled upon this blogging world and found it completely amazing. Not only is it an uplifting community and a place where I’ve made true friends, learned so many things about how to be a better wife and home manager and received tons of spiritual encouragement, but it’s also a fascinating culture to research. Think about the things you have personally learned since becoming a blogger {if you are one}… you’ve probably learned a bit of HTML, like how to create a button or re-do your blog header. You’ve probably learned about online advertising. You might have grown in your picture editing skills. Maybe you’ve learned how to open and market an Etsy shop. You’ve definitely learned the “rules” of the space… how to interact with other bloggers {anonymous comments = bad, word verification = annoying, no email link = sad}. Maybe your blogging or your handmade biz has allowed you to stay at home with your children, as it provides a substantial amount of income for your family. Maybe blogging is a way you have brushed up on your writing skills since you quit your job to be a stay at home mom. See, it’s fascinating stuff! And I love researching it.
However, to fully research it I have to switch my program from literature to rhetoric and composition. And it’s not guaranteed I will get in. I have the support of a lot of important people in the department, and have heard a lot of “wink, don’t worry about it, you’ll get in for sure” comments, but it’s still not really for sure. The main problem is that I figured out I wanted to make the switch last February, just a month after last year’s application deadline. So for a full year now, I have been in limbo, taking some literature classes, some rhet/comp classes, while I waited for this year’s application period. To make things more uncertain, I found out this fall that the college won’t automatically accept all my credits even if I get in. They will only accept 12 of my previous hours of classes, so I am going to have to petition for the rest of them {a year’s worth of classes!} to transfer.
I remember discussing all these issues with Micah last spring – trying to decide whether to take lit or rhet/comp classes in the fall. I was stressing out, trying to figure out the pros and cons of taking classes for the program I was not yet officially in, and he stopped me. He said, “Jen, just take a risk and act in faith. This is all under God’s control.”
So I did it. This little type-A, planner, perfectionist took a risk. I started taking all R/C classes, began talking to my professors about making the official switch and also started openly talking with my peers about my plans to switch programs instead of keeping it a secret while I worked out all the details {which would be my natural tendency}.
Tonight the application was submitted. I have faith that this is God’s plan for me, but would you pray? Would you pray that my application would be seen favorably by the admissions committee? Would you pray God’s grace over my credits as I have to petition to have them transfer? Otherwise, I will be in school for about ten years trying to get this degree finished 🙂 Thank you for your prayers, friends. I know He is faithful.
First off, very important, your outfit is adorable. Keeping things secret and trying to handle them all myself while I figure it out alone is definitely my M.O. too. To a T. But, that really is almost never the answer. Because, so often we need other people and God leads us to those people. But, we can't find them if we don't open up! Good luck! I am sure you'll get accepted, do great and have all of your credits transfer.
Love this. So glad you acted on faith and made the switch. 🙂
I will definitely be praying for you friend!!
No questions asked, prayers are coming your way! I wish you the best in your endeavors you smart little thing!
great post. i pray things will work out! you know they will, no matter what. 🙂 god is so worthy of our faith!
prayers coming your way, of course. you're a rockstar. you've got this.
Prayers coming your way! I know how frustrating the academic world can be sometimes but I also know that God has a plan for each and every one of His people. Everything will work out for your good and to His glory!
You are amazing sweet friend. 🙂 God knows the desires of your heart. I love you and I'm praying for you!
What a wonderful post. It can be so hard to take risks but I find that more often than not, it's worth it.
And I finally figured out how to turn off word verification!
I will pray for you 🙂 I have faith that everything will work out smoothly! It seems that God has already lit your way and has given you the courage to take the 'risk.' 🙂
Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog. You are a beautiful and a talented writer. You have a sweet spirit and have a gift at sharing it with words!
I remember having to reapply to get back into the masters program at UNC-Charlotte after taking a break for a couple years. It is stressful! And the break meant my 3 year plan turned into God's 6 year plan, but I have my degree and a wonderful job, and a wonderful family. So I guess God's plan was a better idea after all. 🙂
The topic sounds incredibly intetesting! My mind is already spinning with all of the informatikn that is out there to be learned about this. I will be praying for you and tor your school because this is a topic that really needs to be studied.
You certainly have a way with words, missy! Just wanted to let you know I recently found your blog & LOVEE your inspiring, positive posts! XOXO, Lisa
I am a new follower 🙂 I pray that you get into the program and that all your classes will transfer! I know how frustrating it can be to transfer and all your classes not count toward your degree! Good luck 🙂
Breanna xx