Just a warning. This is a strange post. As I prepare my heart for this Easter weekend, this is what I have on my mind and heart…
I am thankful for blood.
Weird, right? In all honesty, I think blood is kind of gross. When I would fall down or hurt myself as a child, I would always start crying, close my eyes and ask my mom “Is there bud? Is there bud?” If she said there was blood, I would go hysterical. If she said there was no blood, I would open my eyes, miraculously healed. I probably could have broken my arm and as long as there was no blood, I wouldn’t have minded one bit. But a scraped knee… ahh!
The thing with blood is that we usually only see it in the worst contexts. We get a paper cut, scrape a knee, have to get stitches at the doctor’s office. Yuck. And that annoying blood that visits women for a few days each month… ugh. Not my favorite. When you hear about blood in the media, it’s often associated with violence, murder or car accidents. Blood has a bad reputation.
But the truth of the matter is that blood is our lifeline. Most of the time, our blood is pumping as healthy as can be through our veins. We don’t even think about blood unless there is something wrong and yet it is there sustaining us, nourishing us, and uniting the different parts of our bodies. The blood is what feeds a baby in the womb. Our blood is what keeps us alive and can provide life to others.
Even at its most disgusting, blood is usually the indicator of a greater blessing. Menstruation is a quiet reminder that a woman’s body was made to make babies. The blood of labor is evidence of a new life born. Even when we do get injured the fact that blood can clot and a scab can form is evidence of how our bodies know how to heal in amazing ways.
God knows that our blood is our life. In fact, he says in Leviticus: “For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it for you on the altar to make atonement for your souls, for it is the blood that makes atonement by the life” (17:11). God created the blood that pumps through our veins and only blood (life) can pay the penalty for our sins. Our blood represents our life, and we owe our life for our sins. God knows the significance of blood. That’s why he called the Israelites to sacrifice the blood of animals as a temporary means of atonement for their sins.
But the blood of animals was not enough in the long run. Human sin ultimately demands human blood. Although God requires blood to redeem sin, He also provided all the blood we will ever need to be redeemed.
When I think of the blood of Christ poured out for me, I am overcome with a humble awe and quiet joy. It seems unreal that someone else would give the blood I owe for my sins. I can hardly work up the guts to donate blood {it makes me queasy just thinking about it}, yet Jesus would give up his life for me in one of the most bloody and horrible deaths imaginable.
And to think of what I receive in return for his sacrifice… forgiveness of my sins, joy forevermore, and intimacy with God for eternity.
Absolutely adored this!! I have been thinking about how thankful I am for HIS blood lately, too. Isn't it amazing? What He did for us? I stand in awe almost every day at that very fact. His life…for mine? What??? Amazing. Simply amazing. Thanks for sharing, girlie. Put my heart in a beautiful and thankful place today. <3
Great post! What can wash away my sins? Nothing but the blood of Jesus.
There is a certain bible translation that actually took out the word blood and replaced it with something else. I can't remember what it was but I thought that was ridiculous. It's the blood of Christ that saves us and nothing else!
Thank you for this Jen and have a wonderful and BLESSED Easter!
Now that is the perfect Flowers Fade Friday post for the Easter weekend! 🙂 You say things so eloquently Jen! Love it!
Wonderful post, my dear!! What a good reminder for me to read as this weekend is here. You are amazing!