Sorry, I’m still in a pumpkin mood. Maybe some of you reserve your pumpkin intake to October/November, but not me. As long as the Pumpkin Spice Latte is on the menu at Starbucks, I am also consuming pumpkin at home. Pumpkin and I are friends from the first day of fall until the new year. That’s just the way it is.
Are you ready for another super fab and easy holiday recipe, so you can spend this week relaxing and hanging out with family instead of slaving away in the kitchen? Okay, well here it is. The absolute easiest pumpkin cookies EVER…
Pumpkin Spice Cookies {with brown sugar frosting}
What you need:
1 package spice cake mix
15oz can of pumpkin
1/4 cup oil {optional}
Chocolate chips {optional}
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
That’s seriously IT! Can you believe it?
You don’t even really need the oil, but I added it just because I didn’t believe that cake mix and pumpkin would turn into cookies {but I’m pretty sure they do…}
1. Mix spice cake and pumpkin together until smooth. The oil can help with this if you decide to add it.
2. Add chocolate chips if you want. I did half with chocolate, half plain.
3. Spoon onto greased cookie sheet.
4. Bake at 350 for 8-15 minutes depending on the size of your cookies. I think mine needed 10-12 minutes.
These cookies are delish alone, especially with chocolate chips inside, but if you feel like it was was just TOO easy to make these, feel free to add some brown sugar frosting…
Brown Sugar Frosting
What you need:
3 tbsp butter {melted}
1/2 cup brown sugar
4 tbsp milk
3/4 tsp vanilla extract
1 cup powdered sugar (add more if it’s not thick enough)
1/2 cup brown sugar
4 tbsp milk
3/4 tsp vanilla extract
1 cup powdered sugar (add more if it’s not thick enough)
1. Combine melted butter, brown sugar, and milk in a small saucepan, stirring continuously.
2. Boil for 2 minutes.
3. Cool (an ice water bath makes it cool quickly).
4. Add vanilla and powdered sugar and mix until smooth.
I followed the frosting recipe from NS Pottery, but mine turned out way different that hers. Her frosting was thin and white, mine was thick and light brown. I think this has to do with the fact that I was too impatient to do an ice bath, so I just stuck my whole pan in the freezer and left it there a little too long. I had to slightly heat the frosting back up again. However, it turned out tasting like the top of a maple doughnut, which the husband LOVED, so we actually recommend the freezer method/mistake!
*Here is another easy holiday recipe!*
Merry Christmas!
*Linking up with Centsational Girl’s Cookie Party!*
Look at you…Miss freaking Betty Crocker! I love it! You rock girlie! 🙂
wow, those look and sound delicious…I just may have to pick up the ingredients when I'm out today 🙂 thanks for sharing!
Oh my YUM!! The brown sugar frosting has me drooling 🙂 I will totally be making these cookies!
These cookies are so good! I love them! Thanks for sharing!
Really, really does sound delish!
Hi! I've always lived in the Southwest, but I do understand the culture shock related to moving to a new place (I moved from California to Texas…both southwest, but both very different). I lived in the mountains in California, and though it's not the same as Washington, I'm sure…I understand missing things like snow at Christmas and tall pine trees! It's just so flat here…even in the "hill country."
I'd like to invite you to a little meme I found where people chat about what makes the place they're in unique. I think it's down til after Christmas, but usually it goes on Wednessday. There's not a lot of people participating yet (especially during the holidays…I've been too busy to post too), but its a fun way to share all the quirky things we notice as transplants…and I think it may grow in time.
This is Wherever Wednessday:
Maybe after the holidays you'ld enjoy joining in?
Look what being out of school allows you to do! Bake and bake some more. Your house guests are going to love it.
Oh my goodness! These look amazing! I love pumpkin everything, so I'm definitely going to try these!
Oh yum! Girl, teach me how to make perfect cookies like those… cookies are just not my specialty hehe
that brown sugar frosting looks so good!
i can't believe the pumpkin and cake mix would make cookies either!
I pinned it!! Thanks 🙂