Growing // I weighed Diletta at two months on our home scale and she was 15 pounds, 3 ounces. I have been meaning to weigh her again but haven’t gotten around to it. I am guessing she is around 18 pounds.
Eating // Eating is going much better with far less puking. I started sitting her upright after feeding when projectile vomiting became a daily occurrence and that seems to have cured the problem. Sometimes D eats so quickly I wonder if she has gotten enough, but the size of her thighs ensures me that everything is fine.
Wearing // Right before she turned three months old, we moved Diletta into 9-month clothing and Size 3 diapers.
Doing // Diletta is SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT and I am a new woman because of it. She usually goes down around 10 pm and sleeps until about 6:30-7:30 am. She has even slept until 8 am a handful of times. She also discovered her right thumb about three weeks ago and now puts herself down for naps. She still sleeps a lot during the day, but her other activities include tummy time, being held by her sisters, and, most recently, sitting in her infant chair.
Loving // Diletta now loves the bathtub, but she only gets bathed about once a week because mama is busy. She also adores her right thumb. Sometimes she’ll pull off from nursing to put her thumb in her mouth and I have to remind her that milk is better than a finger.
Tolerating// Diletta now tolerates the car seat. She doesn’t usually cry when during car rides unless her older sisters bother her or start fiddling with her buckles.
Loathing // I’m not sure that she loathes it, but she definitely doesn’t enjoy tummy time. I also think she has mild left torticollis, and I have been working on stretches at home. I think she gives up easily during tummy time because her neck is tight. I am hoping to take her the chiropractor in the next week or two.
Milestones // In June, we traveled to Texas where Diletta got to meet my entire family and her cousin, Georgia. They are just three weeks apart in age. Diletta giggled for the first time when she met my dad. It was the cutest thing ever, and I caught it on camera… and then all the data on my phone got deleted and I lost the video. So sad! And, of course, sleeping through the night and self-soothing with her thumb are huge milestones as well — for baby and mom!