Today we will close out the portion of this series about how to read the Bible broadly. There is not a lot of advice I can give you other than to pick a plan, pray to the Holy Spirit for the discipline to complete that plan, continue in God’s grace even if you get behind schedule, and finally just sit down everyday and read.
Below you will find a short list of some of my favorite Bibles. I hope this helps if you are looking to buy a new one as you begin your journey through the Word.
ESV Study Bible – This is my very favorite Bible… the one I read every morning. I call mine “Big Bertha” because this Bible is big and full of goodness. The footnotes are excellent and there are lots of additional resources in the front and back to help you understand the scope of God’s story better.
ESV Pocket Bible – This is my on-the-go Bible. It’s nice to take on vacation or to a community group meeting because it’s small enough to stick in a purse, diaper bag, or carry-on.
Gospel Transformation Bible – I don’t own this Bible yet, but it’s on my wish list. This Bible is also full of footnotes that specifically focus on how Jesus shows up throughout Scripture – in both the Old and New Testaments.
NIV Chronological Bible – This is the Bible I used the first time I read the Bible in a year. It puts each passage in chronological order, so you read events in the order they most likely happened. For example, you read Genesis first and then Job, because it’s likely Job preceded Moses. Also, you read David’s Psalms along with the historical accounts that were taking place when he wrote them. And if any parables or miracles are repeated in the gospels, you read them side by side which allows you to see the similarities and differences of each narrator.
ESV Journaling Bible – This Bible is also on my wish list. I really hope to journal through a Bible to give to my children someday and this version gives you ample space for margin notes.
Jesus Storybook Bible – If you are looking for a Bible for your children this is the best one out there. It’s focused on Jesus and gives an overview of the whole Bible told as a story of God’s great love for us. Adults can learn a lot from it too!
YouVersion – This is just a shout-out to my favorite Bible app. This is another way I read Scripture on the go, and it has lots of reading plans to follow right from your phone.
Tomorrow we will start talking about how to read the Bible deeply. This is a journey I’ve been on in 2014, and I’m excited to share some of my methods with you all!
Read the rest of the Digging Deep series here…
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Great suggestions! Your discipline and love of the Word is inspiring and encouraging. 🙂