There are so many layers of rich truth in God’s Word, reading it broadly is not enough. We must be willing to study Scripture deeply.

Anytime we are passionate about something, we are willing to learn deeply about that subject. For me, one of my passions has always been writing. Not only have I pursued quite a bit of formal education in this area, but I read informally in my spare time to learn more about writing, blogging, and publishing. For others their passion might be painting or photography or sewing. If this describes you, you’ve probably invested countless hours into learning your craft deeply… experimenting with your camera settings, reading tutorials, or watching instructional videos. If you are into computer programming, you have probably taken the time to learn computer languages such as Java or C++. Even small children show us that passion leads to deep learning. Just think of the preschooler you know who can recite 50 species of dinosaurs by name or can identify more heavy equipment vehicles than the average construction manager.
Passion leads to learning. So if we are truly passionate about the Lord, we should desire to know Him more. We should desire to learn about His character, to understand His promises, and to comprehend His commands. We should want His stories imprinted on our minds and His words to roll off our tongues. The only way to know God this well is by studying His Word deeply.
Read the rest of the Digging Deep series here…