It’s that time for my December goals, but first I thought it would be appropriate {and honest} to tell you how I fared with my November goals…
I knocked out a couple of last month’s goals right away {Teeth cleaned… check! Started Z’s baby book… check!}, but I pretty much failed at getting my new retainer {because I have an aversion to talking to strangers on business/medical/financial phone calls} and finishing the decal wall in our family room {WAY too ambitious for the end of the semester crazy period}. And I did not finish the nursery, but made good progress. It’s ALMOST done {and Zianne is officially sleeping in her crib as of two nights ago}!
This month I am going to try to make smaller goals and be more realistic about the busyness of the month ahead before I go off making pipe dream, summer vacation-like goals.

December Goals
Call about my retainer. Seriously, just buck up and do it. Even if I don’t have the retainer by the end of the month, I am hoping to have made an appointment or gotten my molds finished or anything pertaining to overcoming my dislike of making business phone calls and/or having straight teeth.
Finish the nursery. For real. This project is small enough to finish long before Christmas. And it’s stressing me out, so I need it to be DONE.
Finish the decal wall in family room. This is a bigger project than the nursery and one that got delayed because I didn’t order enough decals the first time around. I happened to order them from an Italian vendor on Etsy and the extras took FOREVER to get here. Seriously, I think Christopher Columbus traveled to the Americas faster than this shipment, but nevertheless, all the decals are finally here and as soon as school is officially out I must tackle this project!
Gather readings for portfolio paper. Not to bore you with the details of my PhD life, but I have a big paper that needs to be revised in order to get one step closer to graduating. I planned to revise it over the summer, but pregnancy and buying a house distracted me, and it’s now become a Christmas break project. I wanted to make my goal finishing the whole paper, but I know that’s not going to happen by the end of December. I do plan to have it done in January, so gathering all the extra reading materials I am going to need seems like a good small-step goal that I can accomplish in the midst of the holidays.
Daily advent reflection. For each day of December, up until Christmas, I plan to spend a few minutes a day reflecting on one word… “Jesus.” I want to think about who He is, what His traits are, what He has accomplished, what He has promised, and what He commands. Each day I plan to spend a few minutes in meditation and prayer as a little advent addition to my regular quiet times. I started today and loved it! Feel free to join me.
|Linking up with The Tiny Twig|