Dear Zianne,
You turned eight last week, and we celebrated you to the max, as always. You love people and presents and decorations, so it’s always easy to go all out for your birthday. (And the fact that you plan out every detail for me in advance makes it simple, as well. Thank you.)
For your birthday party, we went to the candy shop and pottery painting with a group of your friends. You managed to add the splash pad and a playground to your event, because why not sprinkle a little more fun on top of a great day? On your actual birthday, you skipped school, convinced your grandma to take you out for lunch and a pedicure, and then started a new gymnastics class in the evening. This weekend, you had a birthday slumber party at your other grandma’s house, where you convinced her to take you shopping and out to the movies.
You are the most enthusiastic girl I’ve ever met, and it’s hard to say no when you make a plan to have fun. So we usually say “yes” and spend the money or stay up late an hour later or dance to one more song, because you make life more exciting, and we all want to be along for the ride.
But despite your extravagant ideas and games, you are a grateful and kind girl and everyone loves to be around you. I wish I could take credit, but it’s all by the grace of God. I love watching you mature, and I pray you’ll keep me feeling young and energized for years to come. It will be hard to keep up with you, but I’m going to try.
I love you, my big girl. I pray that you use your loud voice and your jubilant spirit for God’s glory always.