Dear Talitha,
I want to let you in on a little secret…
Your sister thinks you’re pretty cool.
For your whole childhood, you are going to look up to Zianne. You are going to want to be like her. Wear her clothes. Act like her. Play with her.
And for her whole childhood, she is going to be reminded that she’s the leader. That she needs to be a good example. That her sister looks up to her.
And all these things are true. I have a little sister. I always had “to be the leader.” She stole my clothes. We are still the best of friends.
Even though she’s the big sister and you are the little sister, doesn’t mean she doesn’t admire you. I love my own sister and am so proud of her. I have things to learn from her compassionate spirit and her sense of fun and adventure. And for all the things you will learn from Zianne, you have things to teach her too.
Already you have taught her one thing… that it’s fun to wear headbands. She has ripped every cute, fluffy headband off her head for the past year of her life. But all of a sudden you came along, wearing all your cute bows and flowers in your hair, and Zianne is suddenly all about wearing a headband again. She says “Wear headband. Wear headband. Like sissy.”
I pray your relationship with your sister is a sweet one. May you learn from one another and love each other. May you lead and follow one another in friendship, service, and godliness. May you spur one another on to love and good deeds always. And may you always wear headbands and cute matching outfits.