I truly believe that your name shapes who you are. When I was pregnant with you, we had to come up with a third girl name we liked in less in three years’ time. For your older sisters, we had a few names picked out in advance, but when you came along, I felt like I should survey a few name lists to get some fresh ideas.
I don’t remember exactly where I first saw the name Eisley, but I instantly loved its simple meaning, “Cheerful.” The Bible doesn’t use the word often. We know that God loves a cheerful giver (2 Corinthians 9:7) and that those who are cheerful should sing praise (James 5:13), but the idea of having a cheerful heart or a cheerful countenance seems in keeping with living a humble and joyful life unto the Lord.
In the few months since you turned four, I’ve watched your cheerful personality develop so much. You are talkative, smiley, and quick to give a thumbs up of approval when we ask you questions. Except for the occasional fight with a sibling, in which you cross your arms and pout dramatically, you live each day an abundance of good cheer.
You just started a new preschool. And by new, I mean the school itself just had its grand opening this month. Due to this, the class sizes are still very small and you enjoy all the focused attention from your two teachers and the two directors of the school. You typically have only 3 or 4 other students in your class each day. As we were leaving one afternoon, only about a week after school started, you passed by the Director on our way out the gate. You ran to her and gave her a hug, exclaiming, “Bye! Thank you! You are my favorite teacher in the whole world!” When you noticed the Assistant Director standing a few feet away, you quickly said, “And you are my favorite teacher, too!”
This kind of exuberance is why you live up to your name. I love you, my cheerful girl, and I’m so happy I get to witness your smiles, freckles, and thumbs up every single day.