You guys. I have big news! My sister-in-law, Kayla, who has lived with us for the past three and a half years is going on a huge adventure. She is joining The World Race where she will travel to eleven counties in eleven months, partnering with local ministries and serving those in need all over the globe. Her trip will begin this summer and her team will visit countries in Asia, Africa, and the Caribbean over the course of the year. I will miss her, but I’m ecstatic that she’s going on this journey {see her World Race profile and blog here… it will be updated in the next few weeks}.
So what does this mean for you?
Well… she has to raise $15,500 and as a first step in her fundraising, she is selling almost everything she owns, including her entire wardrobe. If you know anything about me, you know I love selling lightly used clothing and seeing great clothes find new homes.
So this Saturday, February 28th, we are doing a big one day auction to sell Kayla’s entire closet in my shop @thecuratedcloset. Items will be posted in the morning and the auction will close at 3pm MST. Please follow along and spread the word to your friends. I would love to raise a lot of money for my sweet sis and her fantastic cause {and pass on her awesome clothes to all of you}!
P.S. GIVEAWAY ALERT! If you’ve bought clothes from The Curated Closet in the past, post a photo on Instagram of one of your purchases from my shop {women’s, men’s, baby… doesn’t matter!}. Tag the photo with @thecuratedcloset and use the hashtag #thecuratedcloset. I will choose a winner on Saturday when the auction starts, and you will receive a $10.00 toward your next purchase in my shop!
Wow – go Kayla!