Hello. My name is Jen, and I LOVE my new camera. Here is some proof.
See, I LOVE it! I promise I’m not self-obsessed. There was just no one around to take pics with me. I even took pictures of our pool and our cluttered kitchen counter because I’m so in love.
Like really obsessed…
Here’s the story. Last spring, Micah came up with this huge wish list of toys he wants to buy. Skateboards, TVs, etc. and he organized them by price range. Then he asked me if there was anything I wanted. And I couldn’t think of anything… basically, if I get to buy cute clothes and pretty things for my home every now and then I’m pretty content in the shopping department.
But a few days later I came back to Micah and said I finally thought of one item to put on my wish list. A camera. A Canon Rebel to be exact.
And what did Micah do? He said he didn’t believe me. He didn’t believe I truly wanted a camera. He thought I was just desperate to put something on my list. Do you think this girl was really faking her request for a camera???
So for the next few months, he observed by photography activities – how often I took pictures, how long I spent editing them, etc. And finally, after a few months, he said he was convinced that I really did want a nice camera. Then came the saving up for it. Thankfully, husband was nice and let me spend some of the commission money from selling my first home to buy the camera of my dreams! And can I just say I got a deal? I was expecting to spend around a $1,000, but I found an awesome package for way less and got lots of extras with the camera. Whoop!
I am one happy girl!
yippeee for a sweet cam!! 🙂 You are adorable and gorgeous and I just really like your face!! 🙂 i want a camera so bad!!! Hellooooo Christmas
YAY!!! That is so cool! I can't wait to see all the photos you take 🙂
whooohooo!!!!! i LOVE my rebel!!!! so fun 🙂
DSLRs are so wonderful!! And addicting. I take pictures of EVERYTHING. Like, just wait until you have kids. I'm the mommarazzi.
Have fun with it!! And don't forget to share all your pics 🙂
Your pictures are so cute! wahoooooo how exciting!!! 🙂
LOVE these photos!!! So cute!!!
Yay! for the new camera! Those jumping photos are really fun! I need to learn how to use a "nice" camera. Ha, I even need to learn how to use my little one. 🙂
New cameras are too much fun!! Congrats and love the pics!!
You are gorgeous lady and that's one nice camera!