I’m baaaack, friends! It feels sooo good to be done with the semester {okay, minus all those papers I still need to grade and the new syllabus I need to write for my class next semester…}.
Today, I want to show you some of the Christmas décor we have set up around our new abode. {This will also give you a sneak peak of our new place until I get around to giving you the grand tour.} I follow two rules when it comes to Christmas decorations…
1) Keep it simple.
2) Keep it classy.
I think my restraint with Christmas decorations stems from a little rebellion based on my childhood. Here’s the thing… my mom is obsessed with Christmas. Like crazy obsessed. It started with that ol’ company called “Christmas Around the World” in the 80s. Do you remember that company? It was kind of like Mary Kay or Tupperware where you host a party and invite all your friends over to peruse the merchandise and buy stuff, except instead of storage containers you bought Christmas décor. Apparently, Christmas Around the World closed down about ten years ago though. RIP. My mom loved that company. She then started collecting nativities, which I have to say is probably my favorite type of Christmas decoration, but in the vain of simple and classy, I’ve decided I just want one really pretty nativity for my home. My sister will have to inherit the rest of my mom’s collection. Have fun with that, sis.
When I was little, setting up the boxes upon boxes of my mom’s Christmas décor was nothing short of exhilarating . I would anxiously await Thanksgiving weekend when I could help decide how to display our 300 music boxes, nativities, stuffed animals, candles, etc. {I am hardly exaggerating here, people!} But as I got older, decorating for Christmas didn’t hold the same thrill. I still love Christmas, but setting up the collection, which quickly grew to include at least 500 items {I can’t wait for my mom to read this!}, became more of a chore than a delight, especially when it coincided with homework and the start of basketball season. So my mom started having to decorate on her own and she did the sneakiest thing ever… she started decorating earlier and earlier each year until one year in high school I came home on Veterans Day to find that the house had exploded in all things Yuletide. She claimed that one month of the year was not long enough to enjoy her precious Christmas items. I had to facilitate an intercession. My sister and I were adamant that my mom must wait at least until the week of Thanksgiving to put out the decorations.
So you know what she did, that little trickster? She decided to start a SNOWMAN collection! She argued that snowmen were winter decorations and not just for Christmas. This way she can justify displaying her snowmen {figurines, doormat, books, stuffed animals, cookie jar, etc. etc. – I kid you not!} from November to February and reserve her Christmas-specific décor for the advent season. Smart woman, that mom. She got me.
All that to say, Christmas decorations, while I love them, overwhelm me a little bit, which is why I now follow my two rules:
Keep it simple. Nothing too big, too showy, too cheesy. Let’s just say there are no blow-up Santas in our yard and I don’t have any Christmas collections of nativities, nutcrackers, angels or snowmen. My collection is my Christmas stuff in its entirety and it fits into two boxes. Done and done.
Keep it classy. Again, nothing cheesy. I like deep reds and muted greens with lots of silver and gold. I like poinsettias over Santas. Candles over toys. Garland, please, but no glitter. Maybe all this will change when I have kids, but for now I like my Christmas seasoned with elegance… and lots of gingerbread and eggnog. Thank you very much.
So here it is, friends. The simply and classy Russum Christmas set-up. I’m sure our collection will grow a bit over the years and become more child friendly, but for now this is how we work it…
Runner and candles on table with garland twisted to look kind of like a wreath. Did I mention this table runner cost $1? Booyah!
Our little entryway-foyer area with gold stars danglin’ all over the place!
Classy green stocking with gold accents…
Berries and Rolos! It doesn’t get much better than that!
This is my advent tray. The book is about the incarnation of Christ and has become a part of my morning quiet time. Goal for the week: spray paint the pinecones silver and gold…
Little Christmas tree. I bought this years ago for Micah’s desk at work, but now I usually set it up at home. I think I got the angel in 3rd grade. Vintage…
Sorry! No Christmas tree yet! That’s happening this weekend, now that those crazy papers are finished! Our Christmas tree will also be decked in silver and gold! Love it.
Merry Christmas, friends. Love you all and happy to be back here with you!
Congrats on finishing up the semester! So freeing! Proud of you girl! I am right there with you on you two rules! My decorations are in the process of going up! 🙂
sooo cute (:
I totally agree with you on keeping things simple, as well as reducing Santa clutter. Love your table runner centerpiece!
ha, ha, ha. 300 music boxes? I think you exaggerate, Jennifer! I admit I go over the top with Christmas decorating,but don't worry I am not moving them all to AZ with me!
very cute!!
I love your style! We like simply and classy, too 🙂 Everything looks great! Have fun getting your tree this weekend!! And I can't wait to see more pics of your new place!
OH I hear ya! 🙂 My sister tried and tried to get me to buy some huge blow up something for our yard this year… Nothin doing… Hubs would've died. Hahaha! Just lights outside for us.
BAM, you did it, simple and pretty! Looks great! Welcome back!
I really like the pinecones!
Keep it Simple, Keep it Classy. I like that. I am trying to incorporate the SIMPLE aspect 🙂
Very chic!
I love your simple, classy style. No plastic inflatable Santas for our home, either! Enjoy your holidays, our school closes on Wednesday here in Australia and staff holidays start on Friday. God bless x
Beautiful, understated, and definitely classy. But is it just a *little* fun to go home and wallow in that "other" decorating style too?
I like your philosophy! Simple + classy! Gee, that leaves your sanity for other fun holiday things like parties and eggnogg! I should adopt this strategy! 😀