I know it’s been 2013 for over two weeks now, but bear with me… after my crazy winter break, I am just getting caught up on the whole calendar change thing.
Here they are. My top posts of 2012. Apparently, other people liked them, so maybe you will too.
The most read post, other than the Pumpkin Dump Cake recipe that went viral on Pinterest…
How DJ Tanner Changed My Life
Yes, I shop at Kohl’s and I am not ashamed…
Cool Kohl’s
Pretty self-explanatory…
What My 20s Taught Me
My most viewed non-pumpkin recipe…
Egg Puff Biscuits
Throwing another one of these later this month…
Gender Neutral Baby Shower
If you want to come visit me….
Phoenix Tourist Guide
Not the young adult fiction variety…
DJ Tanner forever. And I'll put her in celebrity bowl every NYE, no matter what Adam says!
I'm going to have to share the gender neutral baby shower one with my friends…they're giving me grief for not finding out. But seriously, it's the one real surprise left in this life, people!
and I have been loving Kohl's lately. I really need to think of them more often than just when I get a gift card for Christmas.