For the most part, I haven’t been in baby mode. I haven’t pinned a single baby item. I haven’t decided where to register. I haven’t read through all the papers and magazines that were sent home with us from our first prenatal doctor appointment. Don’t tell my nurse.
I thought I would be more “into” my pregnancy than I have been thus far. It’s not that I don’t love my baby. I do! And it’s not that I’m not excited. I am! It’s just that a few random circumstances are making it difficult to go into full-mode nesting, and for the most part, I think that’s a good thing. I can be too controlling and anxious when it comes to planning things… so the circumstances below are stripping an idol from me, I think.
#1) I know I’ve said it before, but I will say it again… THIS SEMESTER IS CRAZY. In two weeks, I will hand in my last two papers and be done with the insane school year. I cannot wait. I anticipate a frenzied return to blogging consistently, pinning nursery ideas like mad, registering for baby items, and doing a huge summer-long house purge before this little one arrives.
#2) We might be moving. Our housing situation is up in the air right now. I need to write a post about Resort Russum – or how we’ve been blessed to live in my parents’ gorgeous retirement home for the past year and a half – but our time there might be up soon. We are anxious to get our own place now that we are becoming parents. I am excited to paint the walls in a house I own and decorate the way I’ve been wanting to during our past three years of renting. We don’t really know if we will move before or after the baby comes, only that we will probably not be in our current home by Christmas. This makes me feel much more lax on the whole “nursery” thing, since the baby probably won’t even sleep in its own room until after we get a new house.
#3) Not knowing the gender. Boy or girl? We don’t know! We had our anatomy ultrasound last week, and we held strong and looked at the wall when the tech was checking “down there.” It was honestly easier than I thought not to find out; it almost felt like a little adrenaline rush from the will-power and the anticipation of surprise. Before the ultrasound “not finding out” was just an abstract plan, but now that the ultrasound is over and we have new pictures of our little mystery baby, I feel a surge of excitement every time I think about being surprised on delivery day.
So that’s me and my surprisingly laid-back attitude about this whole pregnancy gig. I am excited to start planning and prepping for our child, but I am also thankful that God has put other wonderful things on my plate this spring to keep me from idolizing our baby or being a big ol’ control freak.
Don't feel bad!!! Before I got pregnant I thought I would read a million books on pregnancy, birth, labor, BFing and I don't even read my what to expect book. Do things at your own pace, you will learn about your baby when he/she arrives! We just signed up for a BF class in June and I started baby wise today…. not sure what else I want to read. Your body just needs you to relax and since you have such a busy semester… do it! Also..find a good friend who just had a baby and register for everything she did 🙂 and do it online! So easy!
Yes, definitely take your time. Once it gets closer and especially once baby arrives, that will be all you'll think about. 🙂 Enjoy these months with your husband and the exciting anticipation of it all!
(P.S. Babywise saved my life, in case you're looking for books to read. :))
^^^^ what she said about Babywise! 😉
I didn't get any "nesting urges until about two days before you were born and you were ten days late and as I recall the nursery wasn't done until you sister's first birthday! Family bonding is much more important anyway!
I am pregnant with our second (due in June) and we are being surprised this time too! It was so hard during the ultrasound but I'm SO glad we waited. It's the only thing that makes me excited to give birth again haha!!
I am so excited to see what this summer has in store! And I can't wait until september 🙂
Some just get more excited then others & that is just fine. I am sure that by the time it gets closer to deliver & you find out the sex you will be pretty excited 🙂
Yay for not finding out the baby's sex 🙂 Some days, I can't believe we passed up our chance and others I'm glad. I actually bought a boy outfit and girl outfit over the weekend…just in case!
You know, I was the same way too at first. I think a lot of it in my case was that I had so many months to go that I felt like, what's the hurry. Now that we're in month 7 and I have a baby shower coming up next month I finally sat down and registered. I've also pretty much decided what to do with the nursery. But still we don't really have any baby items except for a few clothes picked up along the way… Time to get on it I guess.
i commend you because i, like you, have that controlling aspect to my personality. but, as someone who did not have nearly the demanding plate you have during pregnancy, i will tell you that i read it all and i did it all and about 18 weeks in i was SO BURNT OUT i couldn't take it anymore. i didn't look at anything, literally, until like 3 weeks before eden was born. it was like, "oh crap! i'm having a baby!" and bam, i read a labor & delivery book. it will all work itself out. 99% is trusting your instincts, anyways.
I think ita great you have this approach. The less stress the better and once your done with school you can focus on the little life steadily growing inside your tummy
how fun you are not finding out the gender!!!