This past weekend a few of my sweet girlfriends threw me a shower for Baby #2. It was a simple, beautiful brunch at a local farm with about a dozen of my closest friends. The funny thing is there was a debacle before I arrived about our party and number of guests, but my lovely hostesses and the restaurant handled it so well. They moved our table to a private corner of a grass courtyard under these tall trees, so we were away from all the other restaurant patrons and had the most picturesque background for our zillion photographs. It was one of those incidents where the “backup” option is better than the original plan. When I arrived I was none the wiser… I just saw a beautiful long table in the shade, gorgeous fresh flowers, black, white, and gold decor to match the baby’s nursery, and all my closet friends’ smiling faces.
Both times I’ve had a baby shower in Arizona, I’ve been reminded what a beautiful community of women the Lord had given me here. It definitely took at least two years to find “my people” in our new city, but it was at my shower for Zianne that I first realized the scope of amazing friendships God has provided for me in Arizona – at church, at school, and through blogging. Seeing all those women gathered together to celebrate with me was so joyful and humbling. At this weekend’s shower, I felt the same way… thankful for my friends, both the new ones I’ve made since Zianne was born and the many bonds that have grown deeper over the past two years.
Also, these ladies are geniuses. Instead of doing gifts, they all pitched in money so I can buy one of the bigger items I am going to need for a second baby {i.e. a double stroller and a second crib}. I know some people don’t think it’s appropriate to have a shower unless it’s for a firstborn, but I think it’s fun to celebrate each new child, and I love that my friends found a practical way to help us transition to having two babies in the house. I was so utterly grateful for the handful of cash and I highly recommend it as a gift idea for mamas who are having their second {or third or fourth} child. You think you don’t need anything, until you realize you do… so thank you dear friends!
Everything about this party was so peaceful and laid-back. We enjoyed beautiful scenery, great conversation, and delicious farm-to-table food. Instead of shower games, we played a silly pregnancy version of “Would you rather?” which resulted in lots of laughter. This shower was a gorgeous event that made me so thankful for all the amazing women the Lord has placed in my life!
Yes, it is 1:30am and I'm commenting on your post. Yes, MOM, I should be in bed but I couldn't help reading tomorrow's (today's) Bible study lesson plan one more time …. I am stepping in as class discussion leader since the pastor is out of town. Yikes! Anywayyyyy, I love every single bit and morsel of this post. From the pictures to the smiles to the décor to the silly games to your adorable prego belly, I love it all. You are truly blessed. If I go to bed right now, I can get six hours of sleep before I have to be up to make Kamden's breakfast, get dressed, measured and weighed at the gym for the weekly competition, and setup the small group classroom at church before everyone arrives promptly at 10am. Did I mention that I'm the youngest class participant by 40 years and all of the old folks arrive 15 minutes early to everything?!?! Okay, I'm really going to bed now! 🙂
Super cute – really good pictures too! Glad Micah made it home in time for you to attend. 😉