It’s true! In case you missed my post on Instagram back in early December, the Russums are joyfully expecting a second baby due in mid June. I had high aims of posting a cutesy announcement on the blog… perhaps with some phrasing such as “two are better than one” or “adding another arrow to our quiver” or something like that, but as all seasoned moms will tell you {and as I’m quickly experiencing firsthand}, second-time pregnancy doesn’t allow much time or energy for cute or creative announcements.
On the day I posted our news on Instagram, Zianne and I were both sick. I threw a baby doll in her arms {the same one I used to tell Micah the news weeks earlier}, hoped Z would smile, and used a photo filter to hide the snot dripping out of her nose. I had already surpassed the 13 week mark, and I needed to announce the news before my slowly protruding bump spread the word for me. I didn’t even get to personally tell all the friends I hoped to beforehand and if you are one of them… I’m sorry. That is second-time motherhood, y’all.
Although pregnancy is not as novel and all-consuming this time around, it is still incredibly special and I don’t take it for granted one bit. I am truly in awe that God would give us another baby, and I still take a few minutes now and then to marvel at the mystery that a human being is growing inside me! I know there won’t be as many bump pictures this time around and OB appointments feel more like a chore than an exhilarating outing, but I still hope to cherish this pregnancy and prepare my heart for this baby’s arrival. That being said, I have a few commitments I’d like to make to this second child of mine…
1. Bump pics. They definitely won’t be weekly, but I hope to take one every few weeks or so as this pregnancy progresses.
2. Prayer. I started writing down prayers in a journal for Zianne when I was pregnant with her. I’ve started a second journal for this baby, and although the volume of written prayers might be less, the book exists and I plan to add to it diligently.
3. A letter a month. During Zianne’s first year of life, I wrote her a monthly Dear Zianne letter. I truly hope to accomplish the same thing with this second baby. It was such a beautiful way to capture the hazy baby days.
That’s it. Those are my commitments to sweet Baby #2 as far as documenting first year or two of life. I can’t wait to meet this little one.
Awe congrats sweet girl…
JENNNNNNN!!!!!!!!! Oh my gosh, I had no idea. Congratulations. I'm over the moon excited for you and the family, what a blessing and Miss Z is going to be a wonderful big sister. SO HAPPY FOR YOU. 🙂
p.s. Totally explains why I didn't get an email reply – NO WORRIES, Mama!!!!
Congrats!!! So many people I know with kids around the same age as mine are now pregnant again. It's making me itch to start trying for our second! But alas, the plan is to wait until closer to the end of this year (or at the very earliest summer!!). So happy for you and your growing family!!
CONGRATS! So excited to see your sweet family grow by one more!!
Congratulations!!! So excited to "meet" this new little person!!