It’s finally done! The nursery that is. I must say I am feeling quite accomplished as we wrap up the month of April. On the same day this month, I turned in an important paper for school and hung the final pictures up on Zianne’s gallery wall, and called her room FINISHED. Two huge accomplishments, one professional and one personal, completed in the same day after months of work. It felt good, to say the least.
And I feel like I must apologize for, or at least acknowledge, the poor lighting in these photos. Zianne’s nursery doesn’t get a lot of natural light because its only window looks out to our covered patio in the backyard. I’ve tried taking photos of the room at different times of day, and no matter what, it’s just kind of dim. This is GREAT for napping, and not so great for Pinterest-worthy photos, but if I had to choose between the two, I would pick naps for sure. I read a bunch about nap-training and many moms suggested black out curtains to help babies sleep during the day. I thought blackout panels sounded like more money to spend, and not really the vibe I was going for in the light, pastel-y nursery, so I chose the dimmest bedroom in the house instead and decided to train Z to sleep in there at all times of the day. Mission accomplished.
When it comes down to it, Zianne’s bedroom turned out perfectly. I didn’t imagine exactly what I wanted the overall look to be, since we didn’t know if we were having a boy or a girl, but what I created exceeded any expectations I could have set for myself. At first, I though I was going to do pink and peach on top of the neutral gray and white base {read more about our gender neutral nursery here}, but then I discovered it’s just about impossible to match any orange toned accessories and decor, because the shades vary so much and often clash with each other. Instead, I used pink as my main accent color and added other pastel shades, including lots of mint, when it felt right. The result is girly without being over the top. It’s a little bit whimsical, but also calm and peaceful. It’s also fairly mature, and I feel like it would covert into a big girl room or even a guest room with ease. Basically, I love it.
When you get married, your house usually gets made up of a hodge-podge of hand-me-downs and furniture from Ikea, and you slowly add items you truly love, as you can afford nicer furniture and learn to agree on styles. This process can take years, and we are still very much in the midst of it around here. When a baby is on its way, you suddenly have a room where you get to start designing from scratch, and I think the result is exhilarating for most women. I’m pretty sure that’s why so many moms say the nursery is their favorite room in the house.
At least, it might be mine…
I will share as many sources as I can here, but please let me know if you have any other questions about where I found something or how I did something in the room. Also, Easy Canvas Prints kindly provided the canvas of Zianne’s sweet three month face that you see near the upper right corner of the gallery wall. Their canvases are great quality and some of the most affordable I’ve seen! They are offering 60% off to my readers. Check them out here.
Crib: South Shore on Amazon
{Super affordable and cute! I love that it looks a little different than most cribs out there!}
Crib mattress: Safety 1st on Amazon
Hot Air Balloon Mobile {DIY Kit}: Button Face Co. on Etsy
Dresser and Glider: Craigslist
Dresser and Glider: Craigslist
Glider cushions: HomeStyled on Etsy
Shelf: Target
Contoured changing pad: Summer Infant on Amazon
Changing pad cover: Summer Infant on Amazon {comes in many colors!}
Changing pad liner: Boppy on Amazon
Diaper basket: Target {similar}
Floral “Z” initial: PB Kids
Canvas: c/o Easy Canvas Prints
Jewelry/headband holder with hooks: World Market
Wooden name blocks: CraftEfamily
Zebra print: The Aestate on Etsy
Z is for Zianne print: On To Baby {You can insert any initial and name for FREE!}
Child of God print: FREE here
Child of God print: FREE here
Crib sheet: Genevieve Collection at Pottery Barn Kids
Lovey blankets: Target {owl} and Babies R Us {elephant}
Eyelet curtains: The Land of Nod
Stencil: Iron Lattice or at Hobby Lobby
Turtle Constellation Night Light: Amazon
For the first few pictures, I thought the patterned wall was my favorite part. Then I saw all the pictures and lovely things on the wall, and that became my favorite thing. And then I thought the hot air balloon mobile was my favorite thing. Holy shnikes, everything in this room is perfect!! Way to go on finishing, Jen! 🙂
I love everything about her room! The gallery wall is perfect and I love that mobile! You did a wonderful job and should feel very proud of yourself… for that and for finishing up a big paper for school! I'm sure it must be a huge relief to have that paper done!
Remember when we were sitting on the nursery's floor sifting through clothes and bags and baskets? 🙂 You never thought the day would come when it would be finished, and here it is! Looks great!
Beautiful! I love all the little details! Great job, mama!
Such a beautiful nursery! You did a wonderful job. Perfect for a baby girl!!