Sharing a few achievable goals on my blog each month has proven to be incredibly beneficial for me. I feel extra accountable to get things done when I know I will report back to my readers in this space. I don’t always get everything accomplished on my monthly list, but I’m usually able to knock out the majority of my goals, and I consider that a very good thing.
March Recap:
I’m going to change the way I share my goals update this month, since listing all my prayer and writing goals is starting to feel redundant, even though they are super important. I’m going to give a general overview of my repeated weekly/monthly goals and only expand on my more unique goals each month.
Prayer – I am doing well at writing down my prayers each month. I am struggling with making small, spoken prayers part of my daily routine.
Writing – My Tuesday writing days are going fairly well. There is something about writing a check to Zianne’s school each week that is extra motivating to use my day productively. I floundered with my morning writing times this month due to a number of factors, including Zianne being sick. I am hoping to get back on track this month.
Quality time – Micah and I went to an impov show for his birthday. Zianne and I went on a date as well, but I can’t remember what we did… library and something else? I’ve also been really consistent about meeting up with girlfriends weekly and I love it.
Note to Micah {honor} – Done!
Monthly encouragement note {honor} – Done!
Memorize Romans 8:11-12 {honor/prayer} – Struggled. Must repeat this goal in April.
Read one book for fun {rest} – I read One More Thing: Stories and Other Stories}
Clean out computer bookmarks {home} – Pretty much complete, but want to do one more sweep this month.
Clean out dropbox folders {home} – I didn’t check my own goals carefully and I ended up cleaning out my Pinterest boards instead. S0… my Pinterest boards are organized and I’ll deal with my Dropbox this month!
IR16 Doctoral Colloquium Application {write} – Didn’t happen! Move it to April.
Email church about serving {family} – Done! Excited to change roles within the next few months.
April Goals:
Here are my goals for this upcoming month:
Write a note of encouragement
Memorize Romans 8:11-12
Finish cleaning out bookmarks and Dropbox folders
IR16 Doctoral Colloquium Application
Finish Chapter 4 of dissertation
Get roof/AC repairs scheduled
Plan spring/summer travel
Launch new blog 🙂
new blog?!?! I'm excited to hear more!