This is me in my first ever maternity dress.
But this is my confession: I bought it a year ago.
Here’s the thing… I hate wearing clothes that everyone else has. I run into this debacle all the time at Target. They might have something cute for a good price, but I know if I buy the item I will look like every other woman in the USA between the ages of 15 and 35.
So when Target started making stylish and affordable maxi dresses last summer, I wanted one…
but I also didn’t want to be twinsies with half of America.
When I noticed this gem in the maternity section of Target, I couldn’t resist. Micah happens to love me in dark purple. I love the simplicity of this dress with the woven pattern on the top. And Liz Lange happens to make extremely high quality clothes. Xhilaration ain’t got nothing on LL… I’ve seriously worn and washed this dress so many times and the fabric still looks brand new. And finally, I knew not many people would be buying clothes in the maternity section, so I only ran the risk of being twins with pregnant women. Much better odds if you ask me.
So what’s the point of all this?
Well, first, I guess I am out of the maternity clothes closet. Now you know the truth. I’m not afraid to rock some prenatal clothing in the name of fashion, even if I am months or years away from being pregnant.
Secondly, I was 16 weeks pregnant when these pics were taken (17 tomorrow!) and my bump is clearly starting to pop out, so finally my maternity clothes are warranted.
Third, I went to Target this weekend and bought two new Liz Lange dresses, because if I hadn’t you would just see me in this purple number every day this summer {if I decide to wear anything other than an oversize t-shirt or a swimsuit, that is}.
And finally, you should buy a Liz Lange dress too. They are so beautiful and much higher quality than many of the items at Target. Except, on second thought, don’t buy one… I want the maternity fashion trends all to myself!
i don't think there is any shame in shopping in the maternity department when you aren't pregnant. i've done it and sometimes its just cause its a matter of size.
You look gorgeous! I too am a fan of rocking maternity dresses when not pregnant they are usually super comfy and cute to boot.
I totally agree with you! I hesitate to buy anything at target because then everyone will have it! I like stores like H&M and Zara – still amazing prices, but not as many people shop there. Or online, some online stores are great. You look amazing! And I love the dress too, I would have totally bought it not pregnant!
The idea of looking 'typical' is I think what motivates my general dislike for Target and Old Navy and stores like that every time I walk into them. And that's probably a big reason why I'm so excited that this summer I'm visiting my family back home in SE Asia because I'm going to do a TON of shopping. They have the best clothes, by far!
you look beautiful!! congratulations on your pregnancy! I always love seeing other maternity fashion posts now that I'm pregnant too! I have bought just a few 🙂 maternity things before I was pregnant!
you could be a Liz Lange mmodel in that last pic Jenn!!! And confession, I owned a few maternity shirts before pregnancy!! After we got married and I knew we wanted babes, every so often I would scan the maternity clearance at Target and I bought 2-3 shirts for $3 or so! Love a deal because maternity is expensive! Luckily I have found AMAZING deals on!
ps I think my 17 week bump was double your size… is my baby a goliath?
You look fabulous! That color is perfect on you. 17 weeks already..where does the time go? I agree with Ruthie, you could definitely be a Liz Lange model.
I love this dress so much! The color with your necklace is perfect, and I totally fell ya on the Target thing. Love it/Hate it. 🙂
I'm pregnant w/ my 3rd right now, and I know my look will be maxi skirts and dresses from here on out! (due in July), but I recently stumbled across tank tops in the Target maternity section that are super long- at least long enough to wear w/ leggings for now, and they'll accomodate this ever growing bump, plus keep my "cool" in the heat of the summer, and I can wear them after baby. I swear,I will eventually own one in every color. Right now, I have coral and black.
love your dress, you're glowing!! i know how you feel about not wanting to look like everyone else.
C's Evolution of Style
Beautiful dress. Visiting from the link up. Would love it if you popped by and said hi.
Most of my closet is from the little girls section at Gap or the maternity section at Target! I am neither a 10 year old girl or a pregnant lady but I can wear the clothes from both so I do! I've only been caught being twins with a little girl once so so far, so good!
I love the dress, pregnant or not. You are a brave woman, I always get nervous if I even step into the pregnancy section at Target.
One of my favorite blouses for work is a L.L. maternity top from Target. Bought it nearly 5 years ago and it still looks brand new. I saw it on the sale rack and loved the print and didn't give another thought to the fact that the extra fabric around the mid section was meant to accommodate a stomach with a real baby in it and not just my food baby stomach.
Oh LOVELY colors. Love it! You look radiant.
I've found borrowing maternity clothes is a great way to avoid wearing what every other pregnant lady is wearing 🙂
I love the dress, it looks so comfy! I've been wearing a non-maternity maxi skirt lately and found it's so much better than pants! And you're totally right about LL.
I have yet to jump on the maxi dress train… But I am hoping to do some maternity clothes shopping this weekend. I have a few items borrowed from a friend, but not enough to make it through the summer.
You look great in this dress! I love the color!\Xo Lourdes
Love your thought process, lol! You look great and I am glad you got a good deal at Target.
Such a great color on you!! And such a cute dress to show off the bump 🙂
The Fashion Canvas
You look beautiful! I've love for you to link up to My Style Monday!
you look so fantastic!!! that dress looks pretty and cozy … which is great when preggo.
Um…how is my best friend so freaking beautiful?!