After many days of travel and my little New Jersey adventure, I finally made it to Virginia Beach last week where I was reunited with one of my favorite families in this world. You may remember this post, where I talked about how my church shut down last summer when our pastor moved away to serve as a chaplain in the Navy. Well, this is my pastor’s family and while he is serving our country out on a ship, we had a little ladies week in Virginia Beach {I guess Hudson is not a lady, but he tolerated furniture shopping like a champ!}. Lisa, Anne {not technically related to the family but kind of a big sister, mentee, friend of the family} and I have the sweetest friendship and I am so thankful that it worked out for Anne and I to visit at the same time. We fell back into our old ways of talking and laughing and giving Anne life advice instantly. I’m a little jealous that she gets to spend another five weeks there with these precious kids, but I’ll take what I can get. Our two days together were so sweet. Plus, there are way too many bugs in Virginia for my taste, so I’ll let them do the cockroach killing, slug removal, and tick hunting without me! Ew. Ticks. I was not made for the East Coast.
These pretty ladies greeted me at the airport…
And then everyone else arrived! The girls had to run home from the school bus stop in the rain…
The cutest kids EVER.
Anne and I went to the top of the oldest lighthouse in America. And maybe the world? Need to research this…
We hired a sitter and went out for dinner one night at the quirkiest little Mexican restaurant…
And then Lisa let the girls skip school and we all went to the beach. Hoorah!
aw so much fun and cute pictures!!!
such a fun visit!
So fun to get together with old friends!!!