This is my favorite portrait of myself in recent years. Classy bride standing in a meadow with really big hair on her wedding day. I kinda feel like a supermodel here…
Usually, I don’t like myself in pictures when I’m making a serious face, but this one just works for some reason. And it works really well. Huge photo credit to my favorite photographer, Alex. Too bad you probably can’t hire her, because she’s so freaking brilliant and talented that she got into Parsons and is moving to NYC this summer.
But, I must admit I am a huge freakazoid and most photos of me are incredibly goofy. My other favorite photo of myself is one from college. I have this crazy flipped out bob haircut right after chopping my hair for Locks of Love. I’m jumping on my bed, hugging on my best friend, and wearing my retainer with my big metal smile pushed into the camera lens.
Yes, I still wear a retainer. We’ve been going steady for 16 years. Sadly, I don’t have a digital copy of this picture. You are missing out.
I totally understand why this is your favourite, it's amazing! I don't think I have a picture I really like anymore, but that's probably because I don't have any pictures of me from the last few months.
such a great photo…and it does give you a certain super model quality 🙂 have a great Friday, gorgeous!
Beautiful photo! I'm with ya on the serious ones. They're hard! But this one is gorgeous.
And the retainer? If only I had worn mine for the one simple year. Maybe I might have actually gotten the full greatness from those braces…
yes.. total supermodel
You look amazing and you pull off the serious face amazingly!
you look absolutely gorgeous! and I love your dress.
Such a beautiful picture 🙂
XO Lourdes
You "feel" like a supermodel — heck girl, you "look" like a supermodel! Just wow! Timeless photo!
wooo…. this is a great picture! I would totally have this plastered all over my house if i were you. 😉 i wore my retainer until i got married. we went steady for 11 years. 😉