How’s that for an inviting blog post???
Here’s the story…. Micah and I went on a little morning date to the shooting range last weekend. Actually, it’s not a shooting range I guess. It’s a clay pigeon shooting track. Basically, it’s like playing miniature golf. But instead of hitting a golf ball into a hole, you take a giant shotgun and shoot discs flying through the air, and then you move on to the next hole/station and shoot more discs that come flying from different directions.
This date kind of happened on accident. Micah has been talking about wanting to take me shooting for a few months now, ever since he got a new shotgun. Last weekend, he went to this shooting place with a friend and accidentally forgot his drivers license there. This meant we had to go back the following morning to pick up said license, so we decided to make a date out of it…
This was me, all eager to prove myself as an accomplished gun-woman.
This is how it actually went down… I shot the gun twice. Then I cried.
I got so overwhelmed with the kick back into my shoulder and the loud sound that I started crying like a small child, big tears dripping down my cheeks.
Micah was incredibly sweet and consoled me quickly. I spent the rest of our time on the range being the “pull” girl, pushing the button that releases the flying pigeons so Micah could shoot to his heart’s content.
Don’t worry. A trip to the outlet mall on the way home cheered me right up.
Moral of the story: I am not Pioneer Woman.
hahaha! Love the moral of the story. You are awesome for trying something new! That's what matters!
Haha, I would probably have done the same thing! My husband has wanted to take me shooting for a long time, but I have refused to shoot a gun because I just don't like them (not for any political reasons, just a personal dislike). I'm sure if I ever do shoot a gun I will either feel incredibly empowered or have a massive panic attack.
Great pictures! How fun!
I went shooting too recently, I was overwhelmed physically by the power of the guns! But, it was so fun! Glad I did it!
Lol!! You sound like me! Except I *want* so bad to like shooting! I went out with my husband and his grandparents. I shot several guns, little bitty ones and a rifle. But when his grandpa brought out an old gun that had balls you had to stuff in it, it was super old. I shot that one….and dropped it!!!! I was mortified. The kick and the noise were delayed from each other and totally caught me off guard! I felt so bad because it was such an antique…luckily it still worked! 🙂
Glad you guys had a good time anyway. 🙂
hahah I cried too when I shot my first gun! It just was scary realizing guns can kill people…but glad you got to go to the outlet mall!
I don't even want to know how I'd handle that kind of situation! I think I might just refuse to shoot the gun…but you were a good sport for trying something new!
You are too funny! Ok so next time you need to shoot a 20 gauge, not a 12 gauge!! Those things are scary! I love trap shooting. So much fun. I can't wait to have this baby so we can go shooting again. It's been too long.
That's too funny! But a really creative 'date' idea. 🙂
Im not sure shooting would be my kinda thing either; the outlet mall on the other hand. Well I think i would get on just fine there 🙂
I'm not sure I would be good at shooting, but I bet my husband would enjoy an outing like this. 🙂
I live across the street from the outlet mall!
wow I love this! especially the first picture of the barrel of the gun!