Usually I make a list of goals/resolutions for the new year that that looks like a psychopath’s to-do list. Way too many things. Some are projects and tasks that will inevitably get done whether I put them on a list or not, others are lofty plans that will be nearly impossible to bring to fruition, and some are legit goals with measurable results.
This year, I am trying to keep it simple. A handful of goals. All can be measured. All will stretch me, but are perfectly achievable {by grace and self-control} at the same time.
5 things…
Be five minutes early to every class…
I am always late. I didn’t used to be, but in the years after college, tardiness somehow became my most horrible habit. Last year my goal was simply to “be on time” which was way too vague. Sometimes I was on time, often I was not. Was I on time more in 2012 than the year prior? Maybe? My goal this year is more measurable. Be five minutes early to every class I teach and every class I take. Hopefully, if I can succeed in this, punctuality will seep into other areas of my life as well.
Write during my quiet times…
I am very committed to reading the Word every morning, but I am able to reflect so much more on the Scripture I read if I write afterward. Yet, I all too often neglect to do this. My goal is to write during as many of my quiet times as I can this year, whether it’s a blog post, a prayer, or even just jotting down a verse that stuck out to me. I pray the Lord uses this time to etch His Word more deeply on my heart.
Write one note of encouragement per month…
This is a revised version of last year’s goal, which was to write two notes a month. I kept it up through May and then it fell apart, but I truly believe God has given me the gift of writing in order to encourage others, so I want this to be a goal again this year.
Memorize one passage of Scripture per month…
This is also a goal from last year. A few years ago memorizing Scripture was an important part of my life, but, recently, I’ve given it little thought. I desperately want God’s Word to be hidden deep in my heart and mind, so that I know his commands and promises in the face of temptation or trial, and so that I can cling to His Word even if I live in age or a place where the Bible is no longer accessible.
Read one book {for fun} each month…
This is my most daunting goal. With all the reading I do for school, I almost never read books for fun. Usually I can sneak in one or two over the summer, and sometimes I read a novel at a snail’s pace throughout the year, but, more or less, I rarely read for pleasure. Over Christmas break, I finished two books and it felt good. I loved reading as a child and it made me feel so rested to just read for hours on end last month. I am hoping to squeeze in one book per month this year for fun, no matter how crazy school gets.
So there they are. My five things. Praying for lots of strength to make them happen and lots of grace when I fall short.
awesome five things. i'm with you on the late thing and the reading bit. great, simple things that will make for a fantastic year. good luck!
All great goals!! I need to do the 5 minutes early one, for everything! I'm very often late and it drives my husband crazy. He HAS to be 15 minutes early to everything. It's the Marine in him.
I pick 4 big goals each year. So far I've been really good about accomplishing them. I hope to post about them next week 🙂
keeping it simple is what it's all about! I would also say they're SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, time-bound). I'm a nerd, I know 😉
Love your goals! So awesome and very specific!
I think these are five achievable goals! Sure, some will require a little more effort than others, but you've got this!
These goals are me to a T! I love them! What a great idea. Thanks for sharing! I'm going to try them 🙂
happy to have found your blog! i love it and am excited to be following along now!
You are a reader!!!