Although I doubted it would happen, I somehow found myself taking 39 week bump pictures. After waddling around all week in running shorts and a tank top, last Friday I put on a dress to compliment my freshly highlighted hair and busted out the camera. Although I’m expecting this little babe to come past its due date, I figured I might as well take photos at 39 weeks, just in case I don’t make it to 40.
On this same day, I completely finished the nursery… for now. I realized I just don’t need to deal with some things {such as adding random attachments to our stroller} until this baby actually arrives, so I sorted the final lingering piles into drawers, stuffed a few boxes in the closet, and I’m calling it done. Further decorating and sorting will take place when the baby is napping. I plan to show some sneak peaks of the baby’s room later this week. But while I was in the nursery taking photos for the blog/baby book, I had some fun taking pictures of the 39 week bump, by messing around with the baby’s mirror, natural light and a dark bedroom. Then I convinced myself to go outside in the 108 degree heat and snap a few more photos.
I don’t know if a 39 week pregnant woman has ever felt more accomplished…
|Linking up with Baby Talk|
You are so beautiful! I love these photos, especially the first 2. Adorbs.
You look amazing- these are my favourite shots yet 🙂 You did such a great job of taking them yourself- and oh the bump, it really is looking mighty fine!
You look amazing! I hope I look this good at 39 weeks! I'm only 22 right now, so I'm looking forward to being farther along 🙂
Pic #2 with the natural light is BEAUTIFUL! Nice work photog! Love you! Can't WAIT for Baby R. to arrive. Love you Jen!
Based on these pics, my money is on baby BOY Russum. For sure. 🙂
JEN, you're adorable!!! I swear you get more beautiful with each post. You are absolutely glowing, this post gives me confidence to keep on going! I can't wait to see Baby Russum's nursery and, most definitely, his/her sweet face too. =)
you look great! you have that beautiful pregnancy glow about you 🙂