The first prompt for “Blog Every Day in May” is to write the story of your life in 250 words or less.
I cheated and today you get 300 words. I even wrote my post in Word to watch my word count, but I just can’t do it. If there is one thing you should know about me {before you read my post below}, it’s that I am a very verbose person, both when talking and writing. Growing up, I always went quite a few pages past the minimum or target when writing for school and today’s post is no exception…
The hubs…
The fam…
The babe…
To sum it up quickly, I am a Seattleite-turned-Southerner
living every day by the grace of God. I have an amazing family, great friends,
a husband and a baby on the way. I love to write and read and drink coffee and
eat ice cream. I am neurotic about having a clean house. I think every day
should be started in the Word of God, and I believe Jesus can heal and redeem
ANYONE. Here are the rest of the details…
living every day by the grace of God. I have an amazing family, great friends,
a husband and a baby on the way. I love to write and read and drink coffee and
eat ice cream. I am neurotic about having a clean house. I think every day
should be started in the Word of God, and I believe Jesus can heal and redeem
ANYONE. Here are the rest of the details…
I was born on a Sunday morning in September after my mom
dragged her 10 days past due body around the fair all day on Saturday. This
September I’m due with my first child on my very own birthday, and I’m
seriously considering buying tickets to a concert that night, hoping that an
exciting event on my agenda will entice my baby to come out, just like my mom did with me.
dragged her 10 days past due body around the fair all day on Saturday. This
September I’m due with my first child on my very own birthday, and I’m
seriously considering buying tickets to a concert that night, hoping that an
exciting event on my agenda will entice my baby to come out, just like my mom did with me.
I grew up in a Christian home with my dad and mom and a little
sister and brother. I started preschool at the ripe age of 2 and half and have been
in school ever since, both as a student and teacher. I’m just finishing up
the 3rd year of my PhD program in English, and I can’t really imagine life after my classes end next year. At age 18, I ventured off to Texas
for college and since that time I’ve been quite the adventurer. In fact, Micah and I moved to
Arizona two days after returning from our honeymoon. We didn’t know where we were going to live, just that we had jobs, but we packed up our Budget truck and hit the road. Although we
love it here, I am ready for our next adventure in a few years. We could go
anywhere, but I am {not-so-secretly} hoping for Nashville, San Diego or Texas.
sister and brother. I started preschool at the ripe age of 2 and half and have been
in school ever since, both as a student and teacher. I’m just finishing up
the 3rd year of my PhD program in English, and I can’t really imagine life after my classes end next year. At age 18, I ventured off to Texas
for college and since that time I’ve been quite the adventurer. In fact, Micah and I moved to
Arizona two days after returning from our honeymoon. We didn’t know where we were going to live, just that we had jobs, but we packed up our Budget truck and hit the road. Although we
love it here, I am ready for our next adventure in a few years. We could go
anywhere, but I am {not-so-secretly} hoping for Nashville, San Diego or Texas.
I was always the student handing in 10 pages when we were told to write two . . . I consider it a mark of extreme creatively and brilliance! 🙂 Nice to "meet" you today!
I'm pretty sure that if I had tried this blogging assignment I would have gone over, too! Your family is lovely–but you stubborn baby, making your mom wait 10 extra days! That's crazy!
I'm so glad you're doing this challenge too! Can't wait to read more!
Loved your post – and congratulations on your soon to be new addition! I'm due in November =) – and I will say that concert idea is a pretty good one!
Hope you'll stop by the blog – can't wait to catch up with you during this little "every day in May" challenge!
Congratulations on your birthday baby. My mom did something similar when she was overdo and by number eight she made what she called pre-emptive strikes closer to her due date to prevent late deliveries. A lot of walking at the Big E (New England).
I went a over 250 words too- it's hard! I love that you're an adventurer, it's the best thing to be.
I also like to start every day in the Word. Looking forward to following your blog! 🙂
Well there you go! Way to sum it up! 🙂 250 words would be hard to stick to, so good for you on keeping it under 300! haha