Excited to be linking up with The 2012 Ultimate Blog Party hosted by 5 Minutes for Mom!
I’ve been meaning to do an updated “about me” post for a while now {and by “a while” I mean for at least six months}, but besides feeling like it’s slightly narcissistic, it also takes a long time to compile such a list and extra time is not something I often have. However, I love reading other bloggers’ “about me” posts, so I decided that since I’ve now turned 29 {have you entered the birthday giveaway yet?!}, I could at least offer you 29 tidbits about me. I figure 29 is much easier than 50 or 100.
Maybe I’ll add one to the list each year. 3-0 here I come!
1 :: I hate the feeling of polyester. You know that wispy yet rough material that never fully goes out of style. Makes me cringe.
2 :: I eat cereal almost every morning, but I don’t put milk on it. I hate the idea of pouring liquid all over a dry food staple. Gag. However, I do usually slice a banana on the top and eat it with my fingers like a baby. I also often read my blogs while I eat my cereal, which means I get my keyboard sticky. I realize this is disgusting.
3 :: I also go through random food stages where I eat the same thing every day for weeks. In the past, there’s been the Luna Bar for lunch stage, the Fresca stage, the cantaloupe and honey roasted peanuts stage, the strawberry shortcake for breakfast and dinner stage, and last year I went through a major Smashburger stage. Oops…
4 :: My husband and I have a very LENGTHY love story. It started back in 11th grade. And although we’ve had our ups and downs, our story is a good one because God is good.
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Then & Now 🙂 |
5 :: I love my alma mater Texas Christian University with all my heart, especially that TCU Horned Frog football team. And, yes, I will dress my daughter in one of those baby cheerleader uniforms someday.
6 :: I hated vegetables for most of my life, but then Micah coached me to like them while we were dating so that I would make them after we got married.
7 :: I am currently working on a big research project about MOMMY BLOGGERS for grad school.
8 :: I have always wanted to be a professor – AKA a doctor of books!
9 :: I love Gwen Stefani’s legs and I like that she admits how hard she works for them. As much as it would be nice to be a naturally thin person, I always admire people more who work hard to keep their bod in shape.
10 :: Math makes me cry. I’m not joking. I cried my way through almost every high school math class and my one required college course as well.
11 :: I have my real estate license. If you want to buy or sell a house around Phoenix, let me know.
12 :: I have one sister and one brother. We love each other dearly, and we pretty much never fight. Except for that one time Katie kicked me in the shin with her big black boots while walking home from the bus stop in 5th grade…
13 :: I used to hate to cook because I always shared a kitchen with lots of roommates and it always seemed too crowded and disorganized. But now that I am married and have my own kitchen, I love cooking!
14 :: I strongly believe in reading the Bible EVERY SINGLE DAY. I don’t understand how people get through the day without starting off by reading God’s word.
15 :: I have best friends from college who are like sisters to me. In fact, we call ourselves the seven sisters of soul. I love them with all my heart.
16 :: I’ve had the same best friend since 4th grade and we’ve accomplished every childhood goal we made together. Traveling Europe with backpacks. Being roommates after college. We were even engaged at the same time and got married three months apart. Next up…babies! {But give us a few years…}
17 :: I clean my bathroom EVERY Thursday no matter what. Even if I get home at 10pm and have a free day on Friday, I will stay up to clean my bathroom. I love schedules and if you clean on Thursdays, your house will be at its prime for any weekend visitors.
18 :: I call my personal fashion style “granny chic.” It involves lots of cardigans, lace, gold buttons, pointy-toe shoes and the occasional animal print.
19 :: I want four children. I think. Unless I get intimidated by the first two. But I think God likes big, godly families… maybe I’ll want five kids. Who knows…
20 :: I want some of my children to be adopted. I love adoption.
21 :: I am mildly obsessed with Mariah Carey, Lauren Graham (Lorelai…sometimes I forget her real name because her character is so real to me), and Candace Cameron Bure. I hope I can meet all of them someday, but I’ll settle for meeting one of them, because I’m sure my odds of meeting all three are incredibly low.
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L :: Lauren/Lorelai C :: Candace R :: Mariah |
22 :: Speaking of Lorelai and DJ, I have only consistently watched two TV shows in my entire life for the duration of the series: Full House and Gilmore Girls. Except my bridesmaids and I discovered last summer that I have never seen the final episode of Full House for some reason… that must go on the goals list ASAP!
23 :: I really want to move to Nashville after I am done with grad school and live in a big house by the river, but Micah wants to move to San Diego and live on the beach. Maybe we’ll compromise and stay in Scottsdale, because we both LOVE it here!
24 :: I kind of consider myself a runner. I am not naturally very good at it, but I’ve been making myself do it for about eight years now. I’ve run two half marathons, a 10K and a bunch of 5Ks. I even placed 2nd once in a small, local run.
25 :: I love dressing like twins, especially with my sister. I like it when other people dress like twins. I like it when people dress their kids like twins. I don’t care if you buy an item that I already own…let’s dress like twins!
26 :: I hate yoga. I respect people who are good at yoga and I know it has great health benefits, but I despise it. It makes my wrists hurt and my back ache and I always want to glare at the people next to me who are standing on their head so easily.
27 :: During my first year of marriage, I held to this strange belief that if I used my crock pot more than once a week, I wasn’t being a good wife. For some reason I equated the crock pot to laziness and mediocre food. But we all know that’s not true. Some of Micah’s favorite meals are slow cooker recipes and anything that makes dinner FOR you while you are not home is pretty much awesome! This year my new rule is to use the crock pot no LESS than one day a week. Bring it! {And any recipes you have would be appreciated…}
28 :: I have worn my retainer almost every night since I got it in 8th grade. It is in disgusting condition, and I hope you never have to see it. I truly believe if I don’t wear it, my teeth will go BUCK once again and I will have to get braces as an adult. Clearly, I will do anything to avoid this, including wearing my rotting, blue with silver sparkles retainer that was inspired by my love for Juliet’s bedroom décor in the Leonardo DiCaprio version of Romeo and Juliet when it first came out in 1996.
29 :: Although this was really fun to write, I want you to know that ultimately it’s not really about me… it’s ALL about Jesus. My sincere hope is that my blog is a reflection of that truth.
I am glad I found your blog, I really enjoyed reading about you. I am the way same with food. I find something I like and eat it constantly. A "Smashburger" just opened down the road from me and I really want to try it now 🙂 and don't worry I eat and blog at the same time too, my keyboard gets sticky lol
Thanks for sharing! I about died at #2! I also do not put milk on my cereal, I put some GoLean into a mug, and top it off with some blueberries that I eat with my fingers while reading blogs and news in the morning! Weird. 🙂
I enjoyed learning a bit more! And I also envy the fact that you are still in school and want to be a professor! Once, I got my college diploma, I said my "job" was done, no more school!
wow…this is some list! i think i may have to do this in a post sometime soon!
I loved your list and learning a little bit more about you!! I am also obsessed with Candace Cameron Bure… have you read her book "Reshaping It All"?! It's fabulous. I kinda stalk her on Twitter too…. oh my!
Love love love this! xo
hi jen! i happen to pass by your blog through 20sb. and i totally loving the feel of your blog and well, it's NICE TO KNOW YOU!!! considering the first thing i read about is your 25 list 🙂 it's funny how you are a little obsessed over Lorelei, Mariah and Candace… I LOVE LOVE LOVE ALL OF THEM too!!!!
btw, i'm a mommy blogger myself. you can find me over at http://www.longanisafeet.blogspot.com 🙂 let me know if i can be of any help towards that paper of yours!
P.S. I forgot to say that I have the exact same camera, twin! xoxo
I laughed out loud about Granny Chic. Love it!
If it wasn't so gosh darn hot in Arizona, I'd love it more. The bfs parents and brothers live down there, so we go for occasional visits. But we usually save them for Christmas time since it's not so warm. (We went in July once… never again. Haha.) Scottsdale is super nice though. 🙂
Your list was very fun.
I am hopping over from UBP. Happy party week.
What a great intro! You crack me up, and I just so happen to be heading to AZ for a girls' trip soon. Your blog kinda makes me want a sassy picture next to a cactus myself.
I personally love the idea of "granny chic" but worry that I just hit "granny" and not really "chic".
Nice to meet you through the UBP.
I LOVE Lorelai, and still miss that show. Best. Show. Ever.
Stopping by from the UBH. 🙂
I love Lorilei, I mean Lauren Graham. Have you seen Parenthood? I LOVE it. I only started watching it because she was on it but it's a great show. I have a housefull of kids and I hope our family is, the less dysfunctional, counterpart. LOL
anyway, good to meet you. Enjoy the party.